
Chief Ed

The Secretary-General of ASEAN witnessed the handover of the ASEAN Chairmanship from the Republic of Indonesia to Lao PDR at the closing ceremony of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits today in Jakarta.

ASEAN rotating chairmanship transferred to Laos 

The rotating chairmanship of ASEAN was handed over from Indonesia to Laos on Thursday. At the closing ceremony of the ASEAN Summit held in Jakarta, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo handed over the president’s symbol to Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone. After handing over the duties, President Widodo said that for peace and ...

Chief Ed

Top CEOs Asia 2023

Top CEOs to Watch Out for East Asia in 2023

By Stella Rodrz, HONG KONG To answer the question, “What are the mindsets and practices of excellent CEOs?,” we started with the six main elements of the CEO’s job—elements touched on in virtually all literature about the role: setting the strategy, aligning the organization, leading the top team, working with ...

Chief Ed

myanmar elephant

Elephant-Poaching Crisis in Myanmar

Myanmar is home to one of the largest populations of wild Asian elephants, but a new threat is putting them in danger of extinction. Poachers are targeting elephants for their skin, which is turned into jewelry and medicine. Unlike ivory poaching, which mainly affects males, skin poaching does not discriminate ...

Chief Ed

What is the difference between Thailand and Myanmar coup?

What is the difference between Thailand and Myanmar coup?

Burma and neighboring Thailand are close to each other in terms of culture and customs. Military coups are often the same. Thailand is more resistant to the effects of the military coup, Myanmar had to decline on the other side. What are the differences between the two countries? Historical Context ...

Chief Ed

Kalon meeting convened by the military council (July 31, 2023)

Myanmar’s Martial Law Extended

The Myanmar Military Council, which has been ruling under the emergency period of martial law, called a meeting today and extended the emergency period for another 6 months. What do political observers think about this extended term? Ma Mya Thazin Aung will present the contact information. After seizing power on February 1, ...